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SWING TRADING : Swing trading is a style of trading that attempts to capture short- to medium-term gains in a stock over a few days to several weeks. We primarily use technical analysis to look for trading opportunities capturing the strength and weaknesses of a particular script and booking 3% to 5% profit every month. These kinds of trade patterns are for those who need a monthly return on their investments are generating another source of income.

AUTO PILOT INVESTMENT : Auto Pilot Investment allows investors to diversify their investment portfolio across an extremely broad range of investment opportunities with minimal management or interaction, allowing them to build highly customizable portfolios to meet their specific needs Where we diversify the funds into 2 parts technical and fundamentals 50% of funds are used as per technical signals & 50% are used on basis of fundamental studies.

VALUE INVESTMENT : Value investments involve buying securities that appear underpriced. By studying the fundamentals of a company where We opt for the company Whose fundamentals are strong who got long term gaining vision by delivering good dividends & bonuses.